Jump on the chair and the Nome will scurry away. Nome #1: At the very start of the chapter, climb the stairs and enter the first door on the right.Light #8: Right next to the Nome cage, light up the lantern before travelling down.He’s hiding in the tiny corner between the wall and the filing cabinet. Follow it into the room with the power switch on the right. Before pushing the weight, look to the left for a cage with a Nome. Nome #3: When Six jumps to the power switch and shuts off the electricity to the bars, squeeze into the room on the left.Before jumping on this platform, light the lantern. Light #7: Climbing up higher in the prison, you’ll reach a block of cages hanging from a chain that swings left / right.Statue #2: Back in the prison area (with the stone eye) - climb to the second floor using the stacked cages and run left to a creepy prison cell with black ink scribbling.Light the lantern to hug the second little guy. Light #6: This lantern is in the second Nome’s lair.Crawl through the hole hidden in the cage to find a lantern and a Nome in the store room. At the top, don’t jump onto the upper floor walkway - instead, go right then drop down onto a previously unreachable platform. Nome #2: In the same prison area, climb up the cages.Right next to the cages you can climb up. On the right side, you’ll be able to climb on two shelves with a lantern on the second. Light #5: In the main prison area, sprint by the eye’s light that turns Six to stone.At the top, you’ll squeeze through the bars and drop into the next room. Light #4: Climb the long tied rope later.After jumping the gap, look in the background for another lantern before climbing up.
There are three types of collectible in Little Nightmares, and each is “collected” in its own unique way. Hunt down every last collectible in Little Nightmares with The Escapist’s complete guide, covering locations for all the lights, statues, and Nomes you’ll need.